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About the Course

Pranayama is a yoga practice that involves controlled breathing techniques to enhance life force energy and promote physical and mental well-being.

There are various types of pranayama techniques I can teach you, including:

* Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing): Involves breathing through one nostril at a time, which can balance energy and calm the mind.

* Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath): A rapid and forceful exhale followed by a passive inhale, which helps cleanse the respiratory system and increase energy.

* Bhastrika (Bellows Breath): Involves rapid and forceful inhales and exhales to boost energy and clear the mind.

* Ujjayi (Ocean Breath): Characterized by a soft hissing sound created by constricting the throat during both inhalation and exhalation, promoting focus and relaxation.

* Sheetali (Cooling Breath): Involves inhaling through a rolled tongue or open mouth to cool the body and calm the nervous system.

* Bhramari (Humming Bee Breath): A calming breath technique where you make a humming sound during exhalation, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

* Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breath): Involves alternating nostrils during inhalation and exhalation to balance the body's energy channels.

Your Instructor



I am a 500-hour certified Hatha & Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga instructor, 100-hour certified Kundalini yoga instructor, and a 100-hour certified Kid's Yoga teacher. My mission is to help people to explore the unparalleled beauty around them and within through yoga and wellness so that they have a rejuvenated and transformational journey.




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